Why Training of Employees Matter

Why Training of Employees  Matters:       I sincerely believe that training our team and juniors will make our own work performance better.    They also get an idea what is expected and take a sense of ownership.   I had been conducting small capsule training on Six Sigma, PMP, leadership  and Store management for my team when I was in Savli  spearheading the project work of  Bidrum and Coil plant,  and later in upgrading the unit in   Chakan as Brown field.  The results for our team due to training were;  Our team at HO and at site was finally  responsible  in making a world class manufacturing facility  at savli in time and within cost. The respected MD  himself came to inaugurate on a date which he had fixed himself 12/1/2/12/  before the project had started .  Next project in 2013 that came, our team in Chakan Unit trained on lean six sigma and result was we  could  reduce overhead cost at Chakn unit  making a turn  around facility from loss making to profit making. We even won a Gold Award also in Quality forum.      Now in 2015/2016   we  also conducted many session on  material management classes for   GETs  and store managers in Power division.   The result of training  is zero loss of material at site in Power Division. The efficiency was made it possible by training of young team.

 So Training Matters !
My Message to all HODs: Encourage your team to go for training, they will get you results!

My Training Journey :     On observing  my such initiative of training my team on the job training,  I was approached to do a leadership capsule for all executive in Power division by our training manager  Asit Majumder’  and hence self  conducted a  ‘Junior Leadership and Ownership training for Sites’ on 01 /Apr 2016.

After few months I was again approached by Mr Asit to do a workshop on Project management issues and I did a workshop for Power Division Technical Training session on’ Self reflection and Imbibing the culture of R.A.C.E TO P.E.A.K’ on 20th Nov'15 under the Power Division Technical Training Program Initiative. I coined the acronym  R.A.C.E  that stand for Rapid , Absolute,  Class and Economical Work we must all do

During this period the certification program from L&D team   came and I  grabbed the opportunity  to widen my horizon in self learning and improve my  training. I learned some valuable tips in the training conducted by L&D and was later  awarded the Certified trainer program certificate by respected MD himself .   To prove worthy of his honour bestowed upon me,   I have till now conducted three  L&D session as it also gave a wider audience and exposure to different team from other division where it was mutual training and learning for all of us.  

Teach a Class session on Learn to Drive your  Plans to Execution  through effective execution tools -08 Jan 2016
Teach a Class session on Driving Critical Linkages from Planning & Execution - 19th February 2016
Teach a Class session on Lean Six Sigma for Project Managers - 25th April 2016

Contents of L& D  classes : In these training classes we have been able to capture couple of issues of organization importance  that needs to be imbibed in our team.  I seek such  topics and issues that are important for our company  business efficiency and also for a growth of an employee.  Example :
Leadership and Ownership  training: I include this capsule in every training I do now, It  is very much required especially on site and what ever work we do, as then only we will be able to imbibe the spirit of  decentralization  working. If everybody is working as per responsibility and ownership there are less chances of gaps or obstacles being created in any process flow work we do. There will be less of blame culture and less waste. During the training I focused on the  site team taking responsibility of material on site as a joint endeavor and reduce waste.

Training on ExecutionIt is a big problem,  my next training which I conducted on ‘Learn to Drive your  Plans to Execution  through effective execution tools’  was to focus on methods and tools  of execution

Training on PlanningThis is also important , we all  focus on strategy and tactical planning but leave out operational planning and also actual action steps , how team will work actual on ground, my next training class ‘Driving Critical Linkages from Planning & Execution’ was based on  analogy of how war and battle operations are conducted from  strategy planning  to tactical planning  to operational planning and how it finally gets executed as a flawless operation. We covered complete five processes of Project management in  these four level of planning . It was a very satisfying class for me also as I also learned and remembered  old ways which we had practiced in Army life to correlate wth project management five processes from strategy planning to actual work on ground.
Training on lean and Six Sigma for PM and all executives  . I saw the mail by respected  MD where he wants to do lot of cost saving this year and a project is also under way . I thought this was the next best training for people as Six Sigma methods  will control defects and prevent variation and  lean culture will prevent waste.  ‘Lean Six sigma for PM’,  was a very self satisfying mutual learning class where this time employees from Savli. Chennai, Mundara also joined.  

My own Gains with L&D opportunities :      It has given me  opportunity to now interact in learning with keen and motivated employees , earlier we used to do this kind of interaction as on the job training when I was leading the team in Projects Savli Green field plan or Chakan Brown field plant or now in Power division.  Honestly I realized when I am  taking a bigger audience and range of topics that will matter to the organization as a whole, I have to prepare myself with lot of research , my own learning increases , I have to decide what to cover and what not as audience needs to be benefited with basic and gradually lead them to crux of the matter.  Like in Lean six sigma, I spend lot of time covering basic  and advance of Lean six sigma after that I shifted gradually to make them apply to use in different problems of Projects management we face.

A big thanks to everybody in L& D team  :   With all this wonderful experience with so many good people and energetic employees I feel I have also grown as a person  and my learning journey with them also continues.   I will be turning fifty years in age  next year , but the  opportunity to interact with young people and team leaders awakens my own  eagerness and delight to learn with them as if,  I am a college student. Self being from  NDA / Army it allows me to also catch up with something I missed  i.e. to be with also civil friends in a class.  Mutual learning is also a happy genuine feeling to learn something  new we can experience  applying to own work culture and improve our working efficiency and reduce waste.   

Last but not the least, somebody ask me sir why do you spend so much time in preparing and  learning and teaching,   my answer to him was to apply in my own work. Our  work in whatever we do should speak for itself  and it comes with self and joint mutual training.   No war is won without training and even in Civil work be it was in Savli green field plant or Chakan unit or now in HOD in store material management where we have managed zero loss at all sites, the MD also appreciated.    In short learning and teaching helps me to remain positive, grounded away from usual office irritants that we mull over, allows me to keep moving in my work and also in life . Every new class is an opportunity for me to be a  better professional .

Thanks again to Thermax and L& D team .

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