"Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat these mistakes again and again

Some of the problems I have noticed across all EPC  companies  are which if resolved will help in Rapid execution+ Absolute work completed + Class Quality and within cost.  

"Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat these mistakes again and again

¡  We are never clear on BC /SOW and hence do not plan accordingly
¡  Our Vision Mission and  Strategic plans are not matching with each other and also with BC and SOW.
  • We don’t identify who are our stake holders or understand how they can help us or we can help them 
  • We don’t take them seriously or identify our allies/ or who will need special follow up.
  • We don’t ask for a plan from stake holders  that will include  Initiate + plan+ execute+ M&C and closing of their individual plan
  • We don’t have a stake holder register, don’t make one only
  • We don’t know how and when to interact and make them Mutually accountable with us
  • Their individual plan is a must for their buy in agreed mutually
  • Stake Holder don’t take us seriously after any meeting. MOM are not followed up/ no feedback and if asked…they will give any number of excuses / reasons/ obstacles processes that need to be cleared . 
  • We are merely talking a but but Ignoring the impact of real  risk threats and opportunities in beginning and not catering for resources to negate that
  • While making the strategic plan we ignore old lesson learned of similar projects .
  •    Project requirements start with what the user really needs (not what the provider perceives that the user needs) and end when those needs are satisfied as evidenced by successful user validation. However, many projects start with ill-defined user and customer requirements, leading to their discovery by the development process itself and we keep changing designs / proposals with new needs.

DEVELOPING THE PROJECT   NETWORK  AND SCHEDULE is only Soft ware centric, we refuse to apply ourselves as a result we will feed a data to impress everybody resulting in gaps between reality and soft ware plan   
  • Most project run late
  • Knowledge workers cannot be effectively managed using command and control paradigms
  • The art of effective scheduling has largely disappeared from the project landscape.
  • Uncertainty and complexity are starting to take centre stage.
  • Activities are not  planned with attributes of ownership
  • Traceability of accountability of activities missing 
  • RBS not matching with WBS
  • Sequencing of Activities not planned by site in charge or last planner but depended on a fixed CPM given by HO
  • Calculation of duration of activities not accurate
  • Problems in CPM , the Critical path by software is  100 % incorrect as we don’t support with correct inputs and feedback to planner, and we don’t know how to manage it to correct  
    • Not Accurate
    • Does not cater for things going wrong on site
    • Does not cater for Human element not performing 
    • If a single task on CP is late, entire C P is late 

¡  Costing
¡  We don’t do proper costing of all Activities
¡  We don't track COPQ and do not control account , we don’t do EVM/forecasting etc  

¡  Quality/HR/ Communication  Misc coordination  A few problems :
¡  Quality metrics not worked out in advance
¡  Team not sure what to check& How to check
¡  Untrained team in Quality parameters
¡  Documentation poor
¡  Communication clarity missing
§  We don’t do proper briefing of team before operation starts
§  There is no clear cut role and responsibilities
§  We don’t do reassessment of situation on ground, the real exact situation for any changes
§  We think our tactical plan is best and to be followed .
§  We don’t ensure team is aware of SOP/drills to be followed.
§  Change and Risk Management We think our plan is the Perfect without any loopholes till we get punched in the face
§  We don’t think of anything going wrong
§  Let it come, we will handle that time is the attitude
¡  Big Gap what we plan and how we execute
¡  Results in avoidable  delays + miss outs+  rework+ over run in cost

All companies  make  junior /contractor/  customer as over all responsible for our failure and somehow close the project (if we are successful), forget our experience  and move on to next project with similar mistakes . 

¡  Demanding Customer for whom work keeps changing/ his non commitments
¡  Other stakeholders non cooperation
¡   Non Cooperative Supplier/Contractor
¡  Untrained Team 
Political/Economical / Social /Climatic condition not catered for 

All companies must take charge and be responsible for planning with own team + customer and drive contractors to deliver ,  with a detailed planning that continues before the execution and even    through -out the execution and even later  till we close out and get out.    Aim is to convert our execution to best possible results against all problems in the world.

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