Lean Six Sigma for Project Managers


All EPC   Company are on threshold  of becoming a projectized company in all fields. We as  PM and HODs  or Executives  need to rise up to meet challenging demands of driving various stakeholders, making processes lean, get work done in RACE mode i.e. Rapid + Absolute+ Class Quality and economical work . We need to curb defects , In today's competitive global market, all companies are looking to make improvements that drive bottom line results. Many of these organizations are turning to process improvement methodologies such as Lean Six Sigma
Can a PM turn to lean and Six Sigma for help? Absolutely. Combining lean and/or Six Sigma thinking and tools with traditional project management techniques can be a powerful combination. Let's call this ideally equipped project manager the "lean PM."  With training we can rebuild our PM;  We can make all of us better than we  were.   Better… stronger… faster."

Lean is a discipline in which the goal is to eliminate waste and increase process efficiency through a focus on improvements in speed and cost.  It  uses tools such as kaizen events, value stream mapping, work load balancing and 7 waste analysis. We use these tools extensively in Armed forces as lean is a culture there to prevent loss of lives. We cannot afford to over look any waste or delays as lossess are ultimate.  
Six Sigma, on the other hand, is a discipline in which the goal is to eliminate variation and reduce defects through a focus on improvements in quality . It provides a structured data-driven methodology with tools and techniques. A PM  can measure the baseline performance of their processes and determine the root causes of variations so they can improve their processes to meet and exceed the desired performance levels

Lean Six Sigma is a hybrid that brings both of these disciplines together. It takes a pragmatic view of process improvement with a focus on what is needed and important to the customer. It combines the time-focused strategy inherent in Lean with the analytical tools of Six Sigma, which allows for a flexible solution set to address the broadest set of problems.


The idea of combining Lean Six sigma and Project management came to me after working in both fields extensively . It is a challenging thought to be undertaken, The  idea of fusion of lean Six sigma DAMIC or DFSS with Five processes of Project management is interesting and hence this training   class.  It will be a revising and more  learning for me also how we can use  LSS  in our daily lives of Project culture at sites.  

When ever we conduct any training like last time   :We will discuss   how Lean Six Sigma can help in Project management , we may also call it Lean Project management or Integrated Project management .    Though Six Sigma complements existing project management concepts but it differs in lots of ways. Both Six Sigma and typical project management methodology attempt to reduce defects, failures, control costs and risks, and manage schedules. Combining both processes and way of working can be   refereed as Marriage made in heaven and if practices on earth then it is a perfect set up. Both sets of practices bring value and are best applied in conjunction with one another. You may call lean Six sigma combining with Project management tools as ultimate efficient deadly machine or Final frontier of a PROJECT MANAGER  learning  to get results against waste/ delays / rework/ over run cost  .   

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