Driving Critical Linkages From Planning to Execution

1     If there is a single term that every leader needs in order to be successful that is Results . That has to be consistent , repeatable , desirable favorable and sustainable. However before results there is a series of action that must precede it.. result do not happen on chance action or only higher level planning , it happens by concerted action on ground .

A series of generic controllable planned activities can maximize the probability of execution of the action . Unless all leaders at all level  practice the discipline of execution at all levels, Success will not come in form of rapid + absolute + class quality and economical results .

Ponder and Learn  : What are those action that if consistently executed  will accomplish action .

2     Without people engagement execution will fail , engaging and building awareness and getting their buy in is a process.

Ponder what  does it take a solider to follow his leader even risking his life  when attacking, simple you as a leader first out first up show them how to do it, they follow you , you lead and that is your task.  We all must learn the business of putting things  together and tighter , the individual skills and build a team and they will follow you  and also .They will learn  to depend on each other and will  prevent  any kind of loss  if  you buy in and later  control the actions of individuals .

3. Planning cannot fully account for everything that will actually happen. Project are not delivered in spreadsheet planning or soft ware programs. They are delivered in real world and where things are messy, which we don’t plan to deal with that.

 Ponder  the link  between Strategic planning to tactical plans to operational planning  to cover every aspect how to be ready for uncertainty and something going wrong  .

4   Execution is widely ignored and not in sync with people and planning.  We makes plan but have we realized that why we   fail to execute  because we feel it is for junior teams to do so and leave the execution plan to them.   Execution has to be a part of a culture at all level and not leave to site team.  People think of execution as the operational  side of business. Planning  strategy and tactically are central to execution, but execution is not tactics. Execution is fundamental to planning  and has to shape it for people to do it..

Learn to adapt how plan and execution are in loop with people in midst and this loops cyclic even takes place   till end .  DO not presume that  execution will follow a rigid plan  linear  ,   we have to keep changing plan many time to remain on prime objective by  monitoring and control of risk and uncertainty management .

So lets ponder  on all three aspects and how they are linked with which all tools and methods  and  how Real plans are  graduated to Real execution plan at site   and all  in loop with each other to get the real success catering for real world delays and  risk , uncertainty  by quick decision making  

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